| pavol barkóci


“Glass is a box of thoughts”

This material and immaterial at the same time, expresses feelings, impressions and it’s forcing human to think about reality or life. It cannot be replaced by anything because it has unique and characteristic features. It is a material that is ambiguous and difficult to understand. It can become a milestone but also a field of space. That depends on what we consider it as and on purpose of working with it. As an author, I sense the duty to comprehend these meanings, work with glass wisely and project my thoughts so that I would communicate without words, only through my legacy and creation. In my artistic creation I work with space, mirroring and reflection. I try to attach significance to craftmanship while working with glass. In my work of art I use various techniques and technologies, from thought through an idea, project, realization until the final appearance. I create glass art in sizes from little jewelry to objects meant for interiors or components of architecture.

Photo of Me

"Sklo je schránka myšlienok." Táto hmota a zároveň nehmota vyjadruje pocity, dojmy, a núti človeka premýšľať nad skutočnosťou či životom. Nedá sa ničím nahradiť, pretože má vlastnosti jedinečné a silno charakteristické. Je to materál ťažko pochopiteľný a viacvýznamový. Môže sa stať predelom ale aj priestorom. Záleží len na tom, za akým účelom s ním pracujeme a za čo ho považujeme. Ja ako tvorca vnímam za povinnosť tieto znaky pochopiť, pracovať s ním rozvážne a premietať svoje myšlienky tak, aby som komunikoval bez slov, len svojou stopou a vlastou tvorbou. V mojej tvorbe sa venujem práci s priestorom, medzipriestorom, zrkadleniu a odrazu. Venujem sa práci so sklom a kladiem dôraz na kvalitu remeselného spracovania. Pracujem rôznymi technikami a technológiami, od myšlienky cez nápad, projekt, realizáciu až do konečnej podoby. Tvorím od drobných šperkov až k objektom do interiérov či prvkom do architektúry. Venujem sa voľnému umeniu a dizajnu.



Here are some of my creations.

Glass Design
Glass Objects
Glass Objects
Glass Design
Glass Objects
Glass Objects
Glass Design
Glass Design

Feel free to contact me!

Email: pavol.barkoci@gmail.com
Phone: +421 908 408 999
Pavol Barkóci - Glass artist